Science Reports :
03/11/23 - Volcano Eruption
Summary :
Radio Television Networks reported that a volcano erupted in Indonesia on March 11, 2023. There is videos and pictures of people and cars running away from a giant cloud of smoke. The cloud of smoke starts from the ground and moves to the sky covering the sunlight for locals running away. The area has a lot of grass and farm, village type buildings.
Trinity Tree Technology Report :
Lava or magma is only found at the center of planet Earth.
This volcano erupting proves that their area is low in altitude ; this area is probably " below the sea level " ; hurricanes, typhoons, monsoons, tsunamis are probably normal for this area.
This volcano erupting means the location of this volcano is very close to the center of the Earth or is connected to the center of the Earth.
Altitude is a unit of measurement ; the lower numbers are closer to the center of the Earth ; the bigger numbers are far away from the center of the Earth.
The sea level is a specific number used in altitude. If the altitude number is lower than the sea level number, then that area experiences hurricanes, typhoons, monsoons, tsunamis, and other violent ocean type weather conditions.
A volcano erupting means lava from the center of the Earth reached the surface of the Earth. Volcano(s) that erupt are connected to the center of the Earth. Low altitude numbers are normal for the location of an erupting volcano(s).
Some parts of the United States and Europe are located at the top of mountains known as the Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, and the Alps. And, do not experience volcano eruptions. The volcano at Yellowstone National Park is considered dormant because the area has a high altitude.